You know it's good because it hurts, you can't think, You can't move, it cripples you, yet you still can't let go. Time disappears, you don't worry, you don't stress, you don't dream. You don't even want it, but you still go out of your way, just to find it, to get through a few more days. It feels like a friend, one that you love, but you know that they're bad for you, you just can't quit them. You just want to be done, but you just can't say no, no matter how hard you try, how much you promise, you just can't let go. You know it's killing you, your body, your mind, who you always wanted to be, and where you've wanted to go, and you still can't say no. It's hard to fight back, when the demon is your best friend, they've become a part of who you are, and you can't imagine living without them. You want to stop, but this demon; your friend, it's destroying you, and while...