
Showing posts from January, 2017

RIP DumDum

So, earlier I was dreaming at work, and was thinking of the worst questions you could ask someone, and one of them was "What is your worst memory?" I started to answer it to myself, and got flooded with all of my worst, and thought that this one in particular I would like to share. In memory of CPL Nicholas Olivas. Father, brother, hero. Chainsaw Trp. 4/73rd Cavalry, 4th BCT 82nd Airborne Division.  5/30/2012 So, a few months into our deployment the brass above us coordinated massive mission in order to clear an area of all Taliban insurgents. It was a very big deal as we needed to be able to move freely throughout the area, as well as remove the Taliban influence on the surrounding villages. Our job was simple. Push the Taliban out of the area, set up strong points throughout the area to hold down the area we've cleared, and provide security for the engineers moving behind us that where clearing roads/removing IED's (basically DIY landmines). Now, Olivas and ...