When a TARDIS Drops You in Pseudo-Greece

I always thought my life was weird, but never Fictional Spaceship and Fantasy World weird, but then again, here I am doing front flips off the side of a warship with Achilles...

After a normally boring day of work I had dinner with a buddy at an authentic German diner, then upon getting back to my room I promptly fell asleep for a short nap. I really needed to clean my room... But when I woke up, I was in the TARDIS with a buddy of mine, Ritchie. I just kind of took this surprise in stride instead of doing a fangirl shriek about being in the most badass ship of all SciFi. Our trip, however was really short, since the very same ship decided to dump us on the coast of what I assume to have been Greece. Along the beach was forest that was partially in flames, and a rather odd group of people, dressed in an assortment of ancient clothes and armour that I could only assume was from Ancient Greece. There were about eight of them, three women, five men. Two of the women wore common robes of brown and white, three of the men in similar colours though wearing t-shirts and trousers, and the last two men were wearing leather vests/chaps, with short swords hung on their hips. The last women was wearing all black robes with a leather hat that stuck out and turned up on the sides as though to represent horns. Ritchie and I stuck out, wearing brown/black cargo shorts and black t shirts. I also happened to be wearing an ACU patterned assault pack which contained a first aid kit, a Claymore explosive lacking any of the wire or clacker, and a 60mm mortar round. No idea why the Hell I brought it or how I got it, but figured it couldn't hurt to have with me.

We spoke to the group who were all basically refugees, and learned each others' names, though I honestly can't say I remember them now... Except for one, who looked mightily familiar, but he guarded his identity just as well as we hid our origin. Turned out the lady in black was a dark magician. Yet another surprise in a world of oddity that magic was a real thing here. Definitely not the world I thought it was, though their names fit the Greek language.

From there we moved farther inland so as to get away from the forest fire that was just engulfing us in smoke until we came to a clearing where we decided to set up "camp" for the night. There we broke down to talking around a campfire. Well, they did most of the talking as we didn't fit in with the mixed bunch. Really, we were only half listening, trying to think of where exactly we could be, why the TARDIS left us here, and where the Hell it got off too. Of course I didn't have long to think because the two soldier men got into an argument over who knows what and drew swords, squaring off to fight. It was at that moment I recognized the familiar looking man and shouted to the idiot who thought to fight him, "Don't do it you fucking idiot! You're not going to win! That's Achilles;, he's invincible!" Off course the dingus didn't listen to me and attacked. Honestly, he was an excellent fighter. He would've beaten pretty much anyone else he fought against, but except for Achilles' heel (of which I told everyone else around me. Oops) he was invulnerable. About 10 minutes later the first man was dead.  The excitement from that little scuffle didn't have a chance to die out, however. Fate had another idea.

Straight from the sky fell several three foot long giant arrows which tore into the trees. Ritchie and I were confused, but the rest of our band knew them for what they were: ballista rounds, and just a precursor to the volley that was used to estimate ranges. Yep. There were going to be more of them. Without bothering to pack up camp we started making a mad dash inland (I forgot my bag. Another oops), veering off the original course we took originally. This actually worked out really well, because as hundreds of those bolts started landing in the trees we came upon some sort of stone mausoleum, with a roof and everything, though there were windows lining the walls. This seemed like a perfect hideout until explosions started rocking the place from outside. Still, it seemed to be holding up fairly well so we stuck with it.

Now, things did take a turn for a worse. I was sitting on a stone bench when a ballista bolt came through the window, nearly taking my head off, though luckily I ducked in time, followed by another round that i had to roll off the bench to dodge. Then, as luck would have it a third bolt skipped off the window sill and flew point first into my shoulder. Thanks to having the reflexes of Zeus almighty I somewhat caught the shaft as it hit me, so I didn't get penetrated too badly. Hurt like a mother fucker, though, and I thought it might have hit a major vein/artery. Ritchie came up and pulled it out, leaving just a small barely bloody hole somewhat above my collarbone. Luck of the Irish right there. That could easily have gone right through me.

Now, at this time Achilles spies the "enemy" army marching up, wearing an odd mix of leather and chainmail armour, so once again out little party took to running. Just as everything else this night had, we just so happened to have run in with the "friendly" army moving back to the beach where they had a fleet waiting for them. I really really wanted to know how missed an army of thousands camped out in the woods, but I had pretty much given up on questioning everything since I got here.

They weren't too keen on taking in our ragtag bunch, especially with a witch of sorts with us, but between Achilles menacing figure and the oddity that was myself and Ritchie they let us tag along. Not being weighed down by armour or gear we outpaced the army back to the beach, jumped onto a wooden skiff equipped with a damn motor, which took us out to one of HUNDREDS of warhips just kind of chilling about 1000m into the ocean. Not sure why they couldn't have engaged the other fleet, but whatevs. With a group that big I should hopefully have been safe at that point.

Once there I decided I needed something to take my mind off of things, plus we had a good wait while the rest of the army caught up, I started doing front flips off the side of the ship, where Achilles soon joined me. I confided in him that Ritchie and I were soldiers from the future, but didn't tell him it might be a whole different world.  I think Ritchie and the witch slipped off to a cabin room downstairs. I can probably guess what they were after.

Well, here's hoping life in this place isn't too bad. For some strange reason I don't think I'm ever gonna be going home anytime soon.


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