Insomniatic Rambling

So, for the past six months or so, my sleep schedule has gone from one extreme to another, in little phases here and there. For awhile I couldn't sleep unless I were, drunk then I just couldn't stay awake unless I were drunk, and it's flipflopped a few times. Obvious solution? Drink, since alcohol seems to control my sleeping patterns. So I did that for awhile. However, drinking caused problems. Not so much mine as other peoples'. First it was family, telling me that I drink too much, followed by friends. Well, some of my friends. Plenty of them are alcoholics, too.

But, after awhile I decided that maybe being perma-drunk wasn't such a good if. No, work actually got in the way. Wasn't allowed to drink for about a month and a half for GRF (Global Reaction Force). We were basically on call to show up to work, fully mission capable within two hours of a phone call at any given time. So that meant no drinking. For the most part I stuck to that, except for my 21st birthday, in which I bought two bottles of champagne and watched Doctor Who with a buddy. I also drank a good amount of beer the last few days before GRF ended for us...

Which brings me to now. Yea, I'm trying to cut back on the drinking a bit, at least on work nights, since running 5+ miles with a massive hangover made me want to die. Violently. So now I only really drink on weekends. Which means I'm up all night. All fucking week. Also why I happen to have this blog. For insomniatic ramblings.

For those of you who expected something more interesting than me telling a really shitty story about me not sleeping, all I have for you is this:

While I was out smoking my last cigarette  (go figure), a bug landed on my shoulder. At first I felt a moment of irrational anger. That bug had no right to touch me. I was going to kill it, the ballsy little bastard, but then I felt bad for getting angry at the bug, because the rage was probably caused by not sleeping, so I apologized for wanting to kill it, flicked it off my shoulder, and let it go on it's merry way.

I hope reading this wasted as much of your life as it did mine by typing it. I also haven't masturbated since yesterday sometime ish.


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